Stephanie and I went to Sierra Leone, Africa with a team of 9. What an incredible time we had. This was a return trip for me and a first for Stephanie. We went to support and encourage the local church. While there we ministered to one of the outlying village churches. We did 6 mini services and handed out worm medicine to over 400 people, mostly children, all in one day. Many were prayed for and many received Christ that day. We then moved into Freetown and held a three day pastors conference taught by the three pastors who we traveled with. During the day we where able to fellowship, pray with, and encourage many of those attending. Nightly services where held and attended by many. Stephanie danced a worship hula on Friday evening that was well received.
Saturday the five women on the team held a womans conference. The Lord wove together the theme of prayer and God's faithfulness. I believe we strongly encouraged the local woman as we ministered through our testimonies and dance. Barbara Schnake then taught the women how to use the Evangacube to reach out to their families, friends and neighbors. We had cubes for everyone, lovingly donated by Tom Doyle whom I had met while in Kona with YWAM. Thanks Tom.
The childrens rally on Saturday afternoon was amazing. We had over 170 kids packed into the church. Bible Stories, missionary stories, the Wordless book, songs, crafts, face painting and learning a hula were some of the highlights. Over 100 kids received the Lord or assurance that day. PTL.
The people of Sierra Leone are some of the friendliest, joyful folks I have ever met. They made us feel so welcomed, blessed and special. Not just the folks in the church, but at the hotel, in the market place, everywhere. People where willing to stop and talk and spend time with us. Yes, some wanted to sell us things or ask for money, but even when we said no, they stuck around to spend a little time with us. All had a ready smile and a friendly "How da body" greeting. We understood each other fairly well which made for easy conversations.
I'll post more pictures in the coming weeks as time permits. Please keep the people and the church of Sierra Leone in your prayers. They are the second poorest nation in the world, but hopeful for their future. In just the two years since my last visit I saw improvement in the sanitary conditions, though there is a long way to go. The resent election resulted in a positive outcome. Please pray the transition from the sitting president to the newly elected one will go smoothly.
Thanks for reading.
Great summary!
Way cool! How exciting to hear about your trip: how the Lord used you guys to minister in His name! Thanks for sharing the great account and photos!!!
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