While traveling to Africa in October we saw the sun rise in London and set in Liberia!! We didn't even know we would be traveling through Liberia till we checked in in London! Go figure. This sunset is our last in Sierra Leone as we got off the ferry that took us across the bay to the airport. What a fitting end to an incredible time.
Life next to the church where we did most of our ministry. This was right outside the door, we looked into the neighbors yard, or should I say life. Most things take place around the water. It is also a pulic water source, so many came by regulary to fill jugs with water. We saw children bathed, dishes and clothing washed, puppies playing, and always, kids being kids. It was fun to engage them, usually the camera coming out of a pocket was enough to draw them to us.
These four boys lived near our hotel. Not surprising they loved having their pictures taken, almost to much. They would be goofy just to get our attention.
Construction at the hotel. So does this look up to code?
Hi Barb and Family,
What great photos and narration of your trip! Thanks for sharing them.
I have missed seeing you since our Spanish class.
Marc and I leave Dec.10th for the orphanage in Tepic, Mexico. I prayed for your trip so I guess it is your turn. :)
Hi Barb,
Thanks for sharing about your Sierra Leone trip. What a privilege for your and your daughter to be a part of what He's doing over there.
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