Where we go.....
In response to my emotions brought on by my last blog entry I feel compelled to share my thoughts. Missing our kids is normal and healthy for both sides. It means they have moved forward in their lives and we can know look at them through the eyes of our memories without all the messy stuff. At least that is how I like to do it! We also get to see them in their new roll as independent grown ups (or almost grown up/almost independent). Yes we still supply support, but won't we always, as parents support our kids in some ways? Be it financial, emotional and always spiritual.
I was thinking about my mom the other day (she passed away almost 6 years ago) and I was missing her. I missed her alot the last 30 years. Not unhealthily, just as a daughter misses her mom whom she doesn't see often. I realized I am not unique in my family as the daughter who left the family "behind", to explore new worlds. Starting back with my Grandmother DeVictor, she left Italy on a boat, never to return to her family. She entered the USA through Ellis Island one day in the early 1900's as one of thousands. She must have felt lost and alone, yet ready for what the new world held for her. She was a strong woman and I loved her dearly, though we didn't see her often. My mom, her daughter, also left home. First to get her college education, she never did, interrupted by WWII. Than she married my dad and left her family and moved north. She was amazing in her own ways. Strong, like her mother, funny like no other, and all about family. Maybe being away from hers caused her to cherish us a little more. Then there is me, I moved across the country, got married, started a family and rarely visited. Not because I didn't want to, just because. Life keeps us occupied, I just always tried to be occupied with good things. God, my husband, kids, friends and even strangers at times.
Now my daughter has moved across an ocean. She is doing good things, serving God, making friends, blessing strangers and yes, she visits as often as she can. I know someday that may change. For know, I cherish every minute with her, for someday she will have another who will occupy her thoughts more than family does. And that is good and right.
It doesn't make me miss my kids any less, it's just nice to share my thoughts and feelings. May all who read this feel blessed this Christmas by the love of God, who never leaves us.
Moving onward towards...........
I was thinking about my mom the other day (she passed away almost 6 years ago) and I was missing her. I missed her alot the last 30 years. Not unhealthily, just as a daughter misses her mom whom she doesn't see often. I realized I am not unique in my family as the daughter who left the family "behind", to explore new worlds. Starting back with my Grandmother DeVictor, she left Italy on a boat, never to return to her family. She entered the USA through Ellis Island one day in the early 1900's as one of thousands. She must have felt lost and alone, yet ready for what the new world held for her. She was a strong woman and I loved her dearly, though we didn't see her often. My mom, her daughter, also left home. First to get her college education, she never did, interrupted by WWII. Than she married my dad and left her family and moved north. She was amazing in her own ways. Strong, like her mother, funny like no other, and all about family. Maybe being away from hers caused her to cherish us a little more. Then there is me, I moved across the country, got married, started a family and rarely visited. Not because I didn't want to, just because. Life keeps us occupied, I just always tried to be occupied with good things. God, my husband, kids, friends and even strangers at times.
Now my daughter has moved across an ocean. She is doing good things, serving God, making friends, blessing strangers and yes, she visits as often as she can. I know someday that may change. For know, I cherish every minute with her, for someday she will have another who will occupy her thoughts more than family does. And that is good and right.
It doesn't make me miss my kids any less, it's just nice to share my thoughts and feelings. May all who read this feel blessed this Christmas by the love of God, who never leaves us.
Moving onward towards...........
Missing my kids.....
Fall leaves.
more pictures of Africa

While traveling to Africa in October we saw the sun rise in London and set in Liberia!! We didn't even know we would be traveling through Liberia till we checked in in London! Go figure. This sunset is our last in Sierra Leone as we got off the ferry that took us across the bay to the airport. What a fitting end to an incredible time.
Life next to the church where we did most of our ministry. This was right outside the door, we looked into the neighbors yard, or should I say life. Most things take place around the water. It is also a pulic water source, so many came by regulary to fill jugs with water. We saw children bathed, dishes and clothing washed, puppies playing, and always, kids being kids. It was fun to engage them, usually the camera coming out of a pocket was enough to draw them to us.
These four boys lived near our hotel. Not surprising they loved having their pictures taken, almost to much. They would be goofy just to get our attention.
Construction at the hotel. So does this look up to code?
Sierra Leone 07

Stephanie and I went to Sierra Leone, Africa with a team of 9. What an incredible time we had. This was a return trip for me and a first for Stephanie. We went to support and encourage the local church. While there we ministered to one of the outlying village churches. We did 6 mini services and handed out worm medicine to over 400 people, mostly children, all in one day. Many were prayed for and many received Christ that day. We then moved into Freetown and held a three day pastors conference taught by the three pastors who we traveled with. During the day we where able to fellowship, pray with, and encourage many of those attending. Nightly services where held and attended by many. Stephanie danced a worship hula on Friday evening that was well received.
Saturday the five women on the team held a womans conference. The Lord wove together the theme of prayer and God's faithfulness. I believe we strongly encouraged the local woman as we ministered through our testimonies and dance. Barbara Schnake then taught the women how to use the Evangacube to reach out to their families, friends and neighbors. We had cubes for everyone, lovingly donated by Tom Doyle whom I had met while in Kona with YWAM. Thanks Tom.
The childrens rally on Saturday afternoon was amazing. We had over 170 kids packed into the church. Bible Stories, missionary stories, the Wordless book, songs, crafts, face painting and learning a hula were some of the highlights. Over 100 kids received the Lord or assurance that day. PTL.
The people of Sierra Leone are some of the friendliest, joyful folks I have ever met. They made us feel so welcomed, blessed and special. Not just the folks in the church, but at the hotel, in the market place, everywhere. People where willing to stop and talk and spend time with us. Yes, some wanted to sell us things or ask for money, but even when we said no, they stuck around to spend a little time with us. All had a ready smile and a friendly "How da body" greeting. We understood each other fairly well which made for easy conversations.
I'll post more pictures in the coming weeks as time permits. Please keep the people and the church of Sierra Leone in your prayers. They are the second poorest nation in the world, but hopeful for their future. In just the two years since my last visit I saw improvement in the sanitary conditions, though there is a long way to go. The resent election resulted in a positive outcome. Please pray the transition from the sitting president to the newly elected one will go smoothly.
Thanks for reading.
Amanda comes for a visit
Amanda, on the right was our school leader in Kona, Hawaii for our DTS.
She is amazing in her ability to get people excited for what the Lord has
called them too.
Alexis, on the left, was one of our fellow students. She has such a heart
for the Lord. She lives right up the freeway from us outside of Portland with her
hubby of one year, Derick. (not sure how he spells his name)
It was fun to get together with them an reminisce about our time together, share what the Lord has done in this last year, and look excitedly at the future. God
has great plans for all of us. We need to be bold and walk them out.
Family vacation
Steph comes for a visit.
Adam is graduated!

Adam has done it. Yeah!
After 12 years he is graduating,
ok, 13 if you count kindergarten.
He has been accepted at
Oregon Culinary Institute
in Portland Oregon.
We are proud of Adam and his
accomplishments and can't wait to see
where the Lord takes him over the next
few years.
Please keep Adam in your prayers as he begins
this next exciting phase of his life.
ah, the sweet sights and sounds of spring
Happy Spring everyone. I love the changing seasons. It always brings new life, new sounds, new smells. The feel of dirt on my hands, the sun on my face. The boys, young and old, playing street ball. What could be finer. Come, enjoy, let's have a real old fashion visit,complete with lemonade. Hope to see you all soon.

The green lady!!!!

Adam had a great time at his high school cooking competition in Portland. They took 7th overall and 1st for overall appearance of the food. He cooked the main dish and veggies. Salmon and asparagas.
What happens in Seattle stays in Seattle.
Adam and Eli at the Nuggets/Sonics game. We had a great time.
When did Feb. get here?
Eli and Sam at Woodpecker Loop trail. 
So, I've been reading a friends blog lately who writes "of important things", as his daughter says. Well, if you're expecting that here, don't!!! I write of trivial things, that may matter only to me yet I choose to share them with you at times.
Today we have a friend from Ohio visiting who is originally from Swaziland, Africa. He and Eli are good friends and enjoy the times they have together. Yesterday we went on a hike at Woodpecker Loop Trail in the William Findley wildlife refuge. It was a beautiful day to be out in the woods. Eli is playing basketball for the first time this year and enjoying it. He is very athletic so is picking it up quickly. I think he likes the fact that he can score regularly. In football he was on the defensive team and over the size limit of the league to be a ball carrier so he couldn't run with the ball. He did get a safety though. Go Braves.
Stephanie is happily living in Hawaii these days. Still volunteering as a missionary with YWAM at the base in Honolulu. She has begun hula lessons and had her first performance this last Sunday. They dance to worship music and perform as a ministry for free.
Adam is turning 18 in Feb. When the heck did that happen. He is looking forward to his adulthood. So are we! He is becoming a great chef. He is part of a competative cooking team and has his first competition the 24 of Feb. We have been the lucky taste testers-yum yum. He is in charge of the main dish for the team. All I can say about his recipe is it involves salmon and cashews and artichokes and other yummy things-hey, I can't give away all his secrets.
Today is Feb. 10, I kind of got distracted while writing. Life, it does go on....
Bob's business if doing well and he is still enjoying the work. Physically it gets hard for him sometimes and I feel badly for him, but can't do much to help. Adam is working with him more and more. Not sure if he can employ him full time this summer. If not, Adam will have to get a job elsewhere. They make a great team. Adam even has his first regular customer who calls for him, not Bob!
I started a new job. I work part time from home for a dot com business. I do not do to much computer work yet, mostly phone calling and verifying information. I love all the people I get to "meet". Eli and I are still homeschooling together and having a good year. We are also part of a co-op that meets once a week. I teach Science to 5-7 graders, help in Latin with 2-7 grade and occasionally jump in with the little guys and have some fun, 5-6 year olds. I love teaching and will miss it when it comes to an end. Till next time..
The picture is of Eli and Sam out at Woodpecker Loop trail.

So, I've been reading a friends blog lately who writes "of important things", as his daughter says. Well, if you're expecting that here, don't!!! I write of trivial things, that may matter only to me yet I choose to share them with you at times.
Today we have a friend from Ohio visiting who is originally from Swaziland, Africa. He and Eli are good friends and enjoy the times they have together. Yesterday we went on a hike at Woodpecker Loop Trail in the William Findley wildlife refuge. It was a beautiful day to be out in the woods. Eli is playing basketball for the first time this year and enjoying it. He is very athletic so is picking it up quickly. I think he likes the fact that he can score regularly. In football he was on the defensive team and over the size limit of the league to be a ball carrier so he couldn't run with the ball. He did get a safety though. Go Braves.
Stephanie is happily living in Hawaii these days. Still volunteering as a missionary with YWAM at the base in Honolulu. She has begun hula lessons and had her first performance this last Sunday. They dance to worship music and perform as a ministry for free.
Adam is turning 18 in Feb. When the heck did that happen. He is looking forward to his adulthood. So are we! He is becoming a great chef. He is part of a competative cooking team and has his first competition the 24 of Feb. We have been the lucky taste testers-yum yum. He is in charge of the main dish for the team. All I can say about his recipe is it involves salmon and cashews and artichokes and other yummy things-hey, I can't give away all his secrets.
Today is Feb. 10, I kind of got distracted while writing. Life, it does go on....
Bob's business if doing well and he is still enjoying the work. Physically it gets hard for him sometimes and I feel badly for him, but can't do much to help. Adam is working with him more and more. Not sure if he can employ him full time this summer. If not, Adam will have to get a job elsewhere. They make a great team. Adam even has his first regular customer who calls for him, not Bob!
I started a new job. I work part time from home for a dot com business. I do not do to much computer work yet, mostly phone calling and verifying information. I love all the people I get to "meet". Eli and I are still homeschooling together and having a good year. We are also part of a co-op that meets once a week. I teach Science to 5-7 graders, help in Latin with 2-7 grade and occasionally jump in with the little guys and have some fun, 5-6 year olds. I love teaching and will miss it when it comes to an end. Till next time..
The picture is of Eli and Sam out at Woodpecker Loop trail.
New Years Snow, well almost.....

Life moves on and we need to let it.
We have been no more busy than normal.
So I can't and won't use that as an excuse for not updating this thing in so very long.
God has shown Himself time and again to be faithful to me and the family. And we are thankful for that.
We had Stephanie home for 3 weeks at Christmas and enjoyed every minute.
My cousin and her family moved to the northwest this summer and we spent Thanksgiving together as well as several days over the Christmas break. This is the first time in almost 26 years that we have had family with us at Christmas. Even Stephanie has not been home for Christmas since 2003.
I hope this new year brings you many blessings and adventures. We are looking forward to what the Lord has in store for the Holton family.
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About Me
- Barb
- Oregon, United States
- Christian, wife, mother, sister, friend. I love the Lord our God and want to do and be in His will at all times. Sadly, I fall short, happily, He loves me anyway.