"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and cetain of what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1
They say it's spring, but the weather doesn't support that comment. So as we sit here in Oregon, chillin', waiting for the spring weather, we still proceed with hope. Gardens are being dug and planted. Flower beds are awakening with lots of "spring" color and hopes of summer glory.
I'd like to always live my life like this. Proceeding with the hope and assurance I have in Christ Jesus and being certain of what I do not see or know! When I do step out in faith, it is so awesome to feel God working through me. I don't always get to see the end results, in fact, that is rare. Yet I know He is doing something, even if that something is only in me and not in those I think I am reaching out to.
Yesterday at church, Amanda challenged us to see the individual, not just the need
"People with needs are always going to be among us, but can we see them as more than just a NEED?" To love as Christ loves. When we do that, we will often times not see the results of our actions, yet we can be assured that Christ in us, will do more that feed the hungry, house the homelss, heal the sick.
Proceed with hope. Go out with love. Spring is coming.....
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