
The Girls

Barb & her sisters: Margo, Carol and Donna.


Unknown said...


This blog and e-mail thing is so cool. It is great to see that you are having time to connect with your sisters, etc. This thing of having our friends and family scattered all over the world is greatly mitigated by being able to contact each other!

Thanks for the posts! I haven't been able to send photos yet, but I sent e-mail and did one post on my blog.


Barb said...

Hey Kent, I read your post and then had to read it out loud to my sister-hilarious. Say hey to Barbara and Julia and Viggo

About Me

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Oregon, United States
Christian, wife, mother, sister, friend. I love the Lord our God and want to do and be in His will at all times. Sadly, I fall short, happily, He loves me anyway.