
in Guatemala

Hola, we are doing great. After Bob suffering from kidney stones for the first five days, things are now rolling along. Building block homes at the refugee camp and working with kids. We also have been just spenidng time at two diffrent camps hanging out with the kids and adults. Playing ball, doing bead work, nothing like they do though, teaching a little english, learning a little spanish and getting to know them. WE really desire to develope relationships as we will be here for a couple of months. Please pray we will stay strong in our health and spiritually. The team has suffered minor health issues but is doing well. The food is great. THe people are lovely and very freindly. the camp we are staying at was minorly effected by a small mud slide so we are helping them dig out. We all have beds and moslty hot showers. PTL. I will try to put some pictures on here next week. Adios.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


It has been so amazing to follow your adventures via e-mail and blog. It seems to add a whole new dimension to fellowship when we can stay in touch while the Lord sends us off to various parts of the world. I guess that's what the epistles did. Folks just had to be a lot more patient in those days :-) I am very glad that Bob got better. What a trial! You are changing lives and you are being changed. May God richly bless you all. Vaya con dios.


About Me

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Oregon, United States
Christian, wife, mother, sister, friend. I love the Lord our God and want to do and be in His will at all times. Sadly, I fall short, happily, He loves me anyway.