
Guess I should put some text with all these pictures. It is not all fun and games here but we do enjoy our down time, what little we have. Adam is learning to surf and Eli is the snorkeling expert. He and I have been several times together and have seen every kind of fish imaginable (well not every kind, but lots) and sea turtles. Today I got to swim right along with one for about 3-4 minutes it was so cool. Classes have been so good and so challenging in many ways. Lots to take in and process every day. Do I fully understand the depth of his love for me? Do I want to be change in my thinking abut the sacred and the secular? Why is not every thing sacred? Why did God create this material world for us to live in and have dominion over? How do I do that in a way that is honoring to Him and a blessing to others? Lots and lots to think and pray about.
We are doing well and await the arrival of Stephanie in the next week or so. She is currently in Japan after having been in India for two months. Can't wait to hear all her stories. Till next time,the adventure continues.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Barb et al.

Hurray, you posted new stuff on your blog! I had almost given up checking. The pictures are wonderful. Barbara also forwarded me your e-mail with more great pictures. Just so you know, Barbara always forgets my e-mail adress, so if you want me to see the e-mail too it is best to copy me at kent.schnake@hp.com. May God richly bless you all. I feel like I did when Pamela went away for Bible College in Europe: jealous. But that is the flesh side of me. The better part of me rejoices that your family is having these wonderful adventures and serving the Lord!

I pray for you all often. Now I will pray more specifically!


About Me

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Oregon, United States
Christian, wife, mother, sister, friend. I love the Lord our God and want to do and be in His will at all times. Sadly, I fall short, happily, He loves me anyway.