I was looking for a picture of Steph to put here (one she recently sent us)but I couldn't find it. Truth be told, I just didn't know how to get it from the email to here. This reminded me of her for many reasons. For those of you who know her, you can surmise for yourselves what they are and for those not in the know you can use your imaginations!!!!
When God speaks to me I "hear" him in many different ways. Sometimes it's in something I see, like a beautiful sunset, the smile of loved ones. Other times it might be in what I am hearing; a song, the laughter of a child, even in the thunder. What kid, growing up in the Midwest, wasn't told it was God and the angels having a bowling match!!! The fragrance of a flower, the smell of a baby, arouse my sense of smell and remind me of the Creator of all things. And how can a stone be both smooth and hard? As I hold it in my hand and feel it's weight, it's softness and hardness at the same time, it's mind boggling. God also uses my sense of taste. That perfectly ripe strawberry, the steak cooked to perfection, that fresh picked ear of corn. Who am I to deny the existence of a loving God, I should daily be extolling his greatness, his majesty.
This past Sunday a man from our church spoke on the importance of putting things in our lives in the proper perspective. Do we live by fear, which usually involves our senses or do we look to God and see things in the proper spiritual perspective. When he spoke of David, the boy, going up against Goliath, he, David, had the proper perspective. When I go up against my Goliaths, do I?
This challenged me. We are flesh, we are full of senses. God uses those senses to speak to us, to me. Yet, they can be a stumbling block as well as a source of wonderment. How do I know the difference? How do I separate my feelings, my reactions in my senses, from what God wants from me or what the enemy would like me to do? I don't. Only "He that is in me", can. Only by putting things into their proper spiritual perspective can I be who and what God wants me to be. May God help me day to day, moment to moment, to see my situations through His perspective.