So, I've been reading a friends blog lately who writes "of important things", as his daughter says. Well, if you're expecting that here, don't!!! I write of trivial things, that may matter only to me yet I choose to share them with you at times.
Today we have a friend from Ohio visiting who is originally from Swaziland, Africa. He and Eli are good friends and enjoy the times they have together. Yesterday we went on a hike at Woodpecker Loop Trail in the William Findley wildlife refuge. It was a beautiful day to be out in the woods. Eli is playing basketball for the first time this year and enjoying it. He is very athletic so is picking it up quickly. I think he likes the fact that he can score regularly. In football he was on the defensive team and over the size limit of the league to be a ball carrier so he couldn't run with the ball. He did get a safety though. Go Braves.
Stephanie is happily living in Hawaii these days. Still volunteering as a missionary with YWAM at the base in Honolulu. She has begun hula lessons and had her first performance this last Sunday. They dance to worship music and perform as a ministry for free.
Adam is turning 18 in Feb. When the heck did that happen. He is looking forward to his adulthood. So are we! He is becoming a great chef. He is part of a competative cooking team and has his first competition the 24 of Feb. We have been the lucky taste testers-yum yum. He is in charge of the main dish for the team. All I can say about his recipe is it involves salmon and cashews and artichokes and other yummy things-hey, I can't give away all his secrets.
Today is Feb. 10, I kind of got distracted while writing. Life, it does go on....
Bob's business if doing well and he is still enjoying the work. Physically it gets hard for him sometimes and I feel badly for him, but can't do much to help. Adam is working with him more and more. Not sure if he can employ him full time this summer. If not, Adam will have to get a job elsewhere. They make a great team. Adam even has his first regular customer who calls for him, not Bob!
I started a new job. I work part time from home for a dot com business. I do not do to much computer work yet, mostly phone calling and verifying information. I love all the people I get to "meet". Eli and I are still homeschooling together and having a good year. We are also part of a co-op that meets once a week. I teach Science to 5-7 graders, help in Latin with 2-7 grade and occasionally jump in with the little guys and have some fun, 5-6 year olds. I love teaching and will miss it when it comes to an end. Till next time..
The picture is of Eli and Sam out at Woodpecker Loop trail.