Ok, so I did not intend for over two months to go by between entries. To all you faithful ones who have checked in, thank you and I am sorry. I ran into a friend of ours at the grocery store last week and he asked if we still intended to keep up our blog and was it a good way for friends and family to stay informed. I had to be honest with him and say it is a great way to stay intouch and informed IF you actually put stuff on it. Otherwise it can just be a point of frustration, which I never want it to be for anyone.
Since it's been awhile I will try to keep this brief. Stephanie is settled in in Honolulu, not Kona. She is on Base Staff with YWAM. Which means she is in a missionary position at the school. Heads up; she may be sending out letters soon. If you'd like to be on her mailing list let us know and we will add you to it. She has had some great adventures with the Lord these last couple of years and lots of growth and maturity in her walk with Him.
Adam is a senior. He is attending Philomath High school in the mornings and Linn Benton Community College two afternoons a week. He is as busy and social as always. He is going into Culinary Arts, so we have been looking at schools around the state. If you've never had any of his cooking, you're missing out. He and his dad will be atttending a Christian Music Summit next week along with 10 others from our church. Adam plays guitar like his dad.
Eli will be twelve next week!!!! When in the world did that happen. He just finished a great season of football. He is a sixth grader. We are homeschooling him and loving it. We saw so much growth in Eli while we where in Kona and Guatemala. He has such a heart for prayer and other cultures. He fit right in. He and I are taking a Spanish class together to try and keep up with what we picked up in Central America.
I think I'll save news on Bob and I till next time. thanks for sticking with this till the end.